- 'Twas the Night Before Christmas
- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- 110 Minutes of Christmas Crackers
- 11 September 1995
- 1982
- 1987
- 1988
- 1989
- 1990
- 1991
- 1992
- 1993
- 1994
- 1995
- 1996
- 1997
- 1998
- 1999
- 1 March 2018
- 2000
- 2001
- 2002
- 2003
- 2018
- 21 January 1996
- 21 June 1996
- 26 January 1995
- 31 December 2003
- 3 October 1988
- 4 January 1997
- 5 November 1997
- 5 October 1987
- A Christmas Carol
- A Day Full of Animals & Songs (1995)
- A Day Full of Animals and Songs
- A Day Full of Fun
- A Day Full of Fun (1994)
- A Day Full of Songs
- A Day Full of Songs (1993)
- A Day Full of Surprises & Songs (1995)
- A Day Full of Surprises and Songs
- A Dog and a Cat
- A Frog He Would a Wooing Go
- A Golden Treasury of Nursery Rhymes
- A Golden Treasury of Nursery Rhymes (1991)
- A Sailor Went to Sea, Sea, Sea
- Action Force
- Action Force International Heroes - Double Feature
- Action Force International Heroes - The Movie
- Action Man - Volume 1 - Explosive Situation
- Action Man - Volume 2 - X-Treme Action
- Action Man - Volume 3 - R.A.I.D.
- Action Man - Volume 4 - We Come in Peace
- Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog - High Stakes and Sonic Breakout
- Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog - Momma Robotnik's Birthday
- Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog - Volume 5
- Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog Volume 1
- Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog Volume 2
- Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog Volume 3
- Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog Volume 4
- Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog Volume 5
- Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog Volume 6
- Aiken Drum
- Aled Jones - A Winter Story
- Animal Fair
- Anytime Tales - I Want a Cat and other stories by Tony Ross
- Anytime Tales - Not Now Bernard and other stories by David McKee
- As I was Going to St Ives
- As Little Jenny Wren
- Asdfmovie1 (Toy Story Version)
- Baa Baa Black Sheep
- Babar's Choice
- Babar - Babar’s First Step
- Babar - Conga The Terrible
- Babar - The Show Must Go On
- Babar 2 - An Elephant's Best Friend
- Babar Returns
- Babar Super Video
- Babar and Father Christmas
- Barney's Favourites
- Barney's For Is Adventure
- Barney's Forever Adventure
- Barney's Musical Scrapbook 1997 VHS
- Barney's Sleepytime Songs
- Barney: A World of Friends 2005 VHS
- Barney: Hi Neighbor 1997 VHS
- Barney Fun Adventure
- Barney and Friends: Anyway You Slice It (Season 3, Episode 6) (1995)
- Barney’s Anyway You Slice It 1997 VHS
- Barney’s Anyway You Slice It 1998 VHS
- Barney’s Anyway You Slice It 1999 VHS
- Barney’s Anyway You Slice It 2000 VHS
- Barney’s Anyway You Slice It 2001 VHS
- Barney’s Anyway You Slice It 2002 VHS
- Bartnocchio
- Beauty and the Beast
- Bedtime Stories
- Bedtime Stories Trailer
- Beverly Hills Teens
- Beverly Hills Teens II
- Big Letters and Colours
- Biker Mice From Mars - A Mouse and His Motorcycle
- Biker Mice From Mars - Road Ravens
- Biker Mice From Mars - Steelfinger
- Biker Mice From Mars - Steelfinger, A Scent, A Memory, A Far Distant Cheese
- Biker Mice From Mars - The Masked Motorcyclist
- Black Beauty
- Blue Toes the Christmas Elf
- Bluey Season 4
- Bob the Builder: To the Rescue 2001 VHS
- Bob the Builder VHS
- Bobby Shaftoe
- Boredom Busters - Games To Make and Play
- Boredom Busters - Make and Play Dinosaurs
- Bow Wow, Says the Dog
- Boys and Girls Come Out to Play
- British Board of Film Classification
- Brontosaurus, Will You Wait for Me?
- Broomstick Cottage
- Bump - My First Video
- Bump and Friends
- Butt Ugly Martians: Emperor Damage
- COPS - The Movie
- COPS 2
- Call of the Wild
- Calling All Toddlers
- Calling All Toddlers 2
- Calling All Toddlers 5
- Captain N - Nightmare on Mother Brain's Street
- Captain N The Game Master - Kevin in Videoland
- Captain N The Game Master - The Most Dangerous Game Master
- Captain Pugwash
- Care Bears - 1,000,000 CB
- Care Bears - Making Friends
- Care Bears - Super Video
- Care Bears - The Perils of the Pyramid
- Care Bears - The Pirate Treasure
- Care Bears - The Space Bubbles
- Charlie Chalk - Coconut Harvest
- Charlie Chalk - Jumping Bananas
- Charlie Chalk - No Roads on Merrytwit
- Chick, Chick, Chick, Chick Chicken
- Children's Cartoon Favourites
- Children's Cartoon Favourites 2
- Children's Singalong Party
- Children's T.V. Favourites
- Children's T.V. Favourites (1999 Re-Release)
- Children's Television Favourites
- Children's Video Favourites
- Christmas at the Fun Song Factory
- Christmas at the Fun Song Factory (1996/1998)
- Christmas at the Fun Song Factory (1996/1998)/Transcript
- Cobbler Cobbler
- Cock a Doodle Doo
- Cracks the Case VHS
- Dance to Your Daddy
- Danger Mouse's First Video
- Danger Mouse: 9 Greatest Adventures
- Danger Mouse: Special Edition
- Danger Mouse Meets Baron Greenback
- Danger Mouse and Friends
- Danger Mouse and Friends 2
- Danny the Champion of the World
- Defenders of the Earth - The Story Begins...
- Dennis - It's Magic Time
- Diddle Diddle Dumpling
- Ding Dong Bell
- Dingle Dangle Scarecrow
- Disneyland Frozen Say
- Disneyland Moana Say
- Doctor Foster
- Drunken Sailor
- Enid Blyton's Enchanted Lands - More Adventures at the Faraway Tree
- Enid Blyton's Enchanted Lands - The Adventures of the Wishing Chair
- Enid Blyton's Enchanted Lands - The Magic of the Faraway Tree (1997)
- Family Home Entertainment
- Famous Fred
- Fantastic Max - Cowboy Max
- Favourite Pre-School Stories
- Favourite Stories for the Under Fives
- February 1997
- Fiddle De Dee
- Fireman Sam
- Fireman Sam - 10 Fantastic Adventures
- Fireman Sam - 10 Favourite Adventures
- Five Green Bottles
- Five Little Ducks that I Once Knew
- Five Little Penguins
- Five Little Snowmen
- Five in a Bed
- Food Glorious Food
- For He's a Jolly Good Fellow
- Four Classic Adventures - Inspector Gadget / Heathcliff / Dennis / Beverly Hills Teens
- Fox-Tails
- Frere Jacques
- Froggy Went a Courtin'
- Fun Song Factory
- Fun Song Factory: Big and Small
- Fun Song Factory: Big and Small/Transcript
- Fun Song Factory: Birthdays
- Fun Song Factory: Birthdays/Transcript
- Fun Song Factory: Collywobbles
- Fun Song Factory: Collywobbles/Transcript
- Fun Song Factory: Colours
- Fun Song Factory: Colours/Transcript
- Fun Song Factory: Creepy Crawlies
- Fun Song Factory: Creepy Crawlies/Transcript
- Fun Song Factory: Farm Animals
- Fun Song Factory: Farm Animals/Transcript
- Fun Song Factory: Favourite Action Songs and Nursery Rhymes
- Fun Song Factory: Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
- Fun Song Factory: Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes/Transcript
- Fun Song Factory: Helping
- Fun Song Factory: Helping/Transcript
- Fun Song Factory: Hide and Seek
- Fun Song Factory: Hide and Seek/Transcript
- Fun Song Factory: Letters and Words
- Fun Song Factory: Letters and Words/Transcript
- Fun Song Factory: Making Friends
- Fun Song Factory: Making Friends/Transcript
- Fun Song Factory: Music
- Fun Song Factory: Music/Transcript
- Fun Song Factory: Numbers
- Fun Song Factory: Numbers/Transcript
- Fun Song Factory: Party Time!
- Fun Song Factory: People Who Help
- Fun Song Factory: People Who Help/Transcript
- Fun Song Factory: Picnic Time
- Fun Song Factory: Picnic Time/Transcript
- Fun Song Factory: Please and Thank You
- Fun Song Factory: Please and Thank You/Transcript
- Fun Song Factory: Seasons
- Fun Song Factory: Seasons/Transcript
- Fun Song Factory: Senses
- Fun Song Factory: Senses/Transcript
- Fun Song Factory: Sounds
- Fun Song Factory: Sounds/Transcript
- Fun Song Factory: Times of the Day
- Fun Song Factory: Times of the Day/Transcript
- Fun Song Factory: Transport
- Fun Song Factory: Transport/Transcript
- Fun Song Factory: Water
- Fun Song Factory: Water/Transcript
- Fun Song Factory: Wild Animals
- Fun Song Factory: Wild Animals/Transcript
- Fun Song Factory (1994)
- Fun Song Factory (1994)/Transcript
- Fun Song Factory - Colours, Collywobbles, Hide and Seek
- Fun Song Factory - Colours, Collywobbles, Hide and Seek (1998)
- Fun Song Factory - Colours, Collywobbles, Hide and Seek (1998)/Transcript
- Fun Song Factory - Fun and Games
- Fun Song Factory - Fun and Games (1997)
- Fun Song Factory - Fun and Games (1997)/Transcript
- Fun Song Factory - Fun and Games Trailer
- Fun Song Factory - Nursery Rhyme Land
- Fun Song Factory - Nursery Rhyme Land (1997)
- Fun Song Factory - Nursery Rhyme Land (1997)/Transcript
- Fun Song Factory - Please and Thank You, Picnic Time, Helping
- Fun Song Factory - Please and Thank You, Picnic Time, Helping (1998)
- Fun Song Factory - Please and Thank You, Picnic Time, Helping (1998)/Transcript
- Fun Song Factory 1998 TV Series Trailer
- Fun Song Factory 2
- Fun Song Factory 2 (1996)
- Fun Song Factory 2 (1996)/Transcript
- Fun Song Factory 2 Trailer
- Fun Time Favourites
- Fun and Games
- Fun at the Seaside
- G.I. Joe: The Action Force - Joe's Night Out
- General Discussion
- Georgie Porgie
- Ging Gang Goolie
- Girls and Boys Come Out to Play
- Going Out for the Day
- Goosey Goosey Gander
- Happy Birthday
- Happy Ending Stories - Volume 1
- Happy the Littlest Bunny
- Hark Hark the Dogs Do Bark
- Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
- Head Season 4
- Heathcliff and Cats and Company - Xmas Memories
- Heidi
- Heigh-Ho
- Here Comes Huxley Pig
- Here We Go Gathering Nuts in May
- Here We Go Looby Loo
- Hey Diddle Diddle
- Hickety Pickety
- Hickory Dickory Dock
- Higgledy Piggledy My Black Hen
- Hokey Cokey
- Hot Cross Buns
- Hot Hits from the USA
- Hot Rod Dogs and Cool Car Cats - Rod on the Rampage
- How Do You Feel Today?
- How Much is That Doggie in the Window?
- Humpty Dumpty
- Hush Little Baby
- Hush a Bye Baby
- Huxley Pig - Special Edition
- Huxley Pig Goes Camping
- Huxley Pig Goes Flying
- Huxley Pig in Space
- Huxley Pig in the Haunted House
- I'm Starting School
- I'm a Little Teapot
- I Had a Little Hobby Horse
- I Had a Little Nut Tree
- I Hear Thunder
- I Love Little Pussy
- If Ifs and Ands
- If You're Happy and You Know It
- In and Out the Dusty Bluebells
- Incy Wincy Spider
- Inhumanoids - The Evil That Lies Within
- Inspector Gadget - Focus on Gadget
- Inspector Gadget - Gadget's Roma / Mad In The Moon
- Inspector Gadget - Tyrannosaurus Gadget/Gadget's Clean Sweep
- Inspector Gadget - Tyrannosaurus Gadget / Gadget's Clean Sweep
- Inspector Gadget Saves Christmas
- It's Fun To Learn With Spot - Alphabet, Counting and Telling the Time
- It's Fun To Learn With Spot - Colours, Shapes, Opposites and First Words
- It's Fun To Learn With Spot - Colours and Shapes
- It's Fun To Learn With Spot - Opposites and First Words
- Its Fun To Learn With Spot - Colours and Shapes
- Jack Be Nimble
- Jack Sprat
- Jack and Jill
- James Bond Jr. - A Worm in the Apple
- James Bond Jr. - The Beginning
- James Bond Jr. - The Eiffel Missile
- James Bond Jr versus Jaws the Metallic Munch
- James the Cat and Friends
- January 1997
- Jem - Glitter N' Gold
- Jem - Music and Magic
- Jem - Music is Magic
- Jem - The Fan / Roxy Rumbles
- Jem - Two Great Rock 'N' Roll Adventures
- Jem - Video Wars / Homeland, Heartland
- Jingle Bells
- John Brown's Baby
- Journey to the Center of the Earth
- Ladybird Ladybird